College of Arabic & Islamic Studies


College of Arabic and Islamic Studies (CAIS) class in session

The College of Arabic and Islamic Studies (CAIS) was established in 2003 by the Governing Board of the Muslim Community Centre, Abuja with a view to giving members of the Ummah an opportunity to learn Arabic and Islamic Studies as a foundation up to tertiary level. The grandaunts’ of the College could participate forthrightly in such endeavors as:

  • Islamic Scholars
  • Imams
  • Judges (Qaadis)
  • Lawyers
  • Politicians e.t.c

  • And at the same time, become familiar with contemporary global, political, social and economic issues. The College is affiliated with the Institute of Education, Ahmadu Bello University (A.B.U), Zaria. It operates the National Borad For Arabic and Islamic Studies (NBAIS) curricular. It also awards the Junior Islamic Studies Certificate and Senior Islamic Studies Certificate which can now gain admission into Nigerian and Foreign Universities.


    The Vision of the College is to produce grandaunts in all endeavors of life imbibed with Islamic knowledge and morals as their contributions to national development


    The Mission of the College is to instill in its students, good moral, sound Islamic knowledge while familiarizing with contemporary, global, political, social and economy trends.


    College of Arabic and Islamic Studies (CAIS) class in session


    A prospective candidate into the College is expected to write the following subjects:

    1. Arabic Language
    2. Islamic Studies
    3. English Language
    4. Followed by an oral interview.