Tahfeezul Qur'an Programme


Tahfeez class in session

The Tahfeezul Qur’an Programme was established in October, 2010 as an independent programme under the Muslim Community Centre, in response to the demands of the local Muslim Community for an academic approach to the teaching of the recitation and memorization of the Glorious Qur’an. The programme aims at producing Huffazul Qur’an (Memorizers of the Glorious Qur’an) and also to make up for the shortcomings observed in respect of the regular Islamiyyah Schools, which often could not accommodate the rigours of the Tahfeez in their already over-stretched syllabi. The memorization of the Glorious Qur’an requires a lot of effort and time; hence, the need for a separate management, curriculum and time table.

With all the arrangement in place, the Tahfeezul Qur’an Programme took off with six qualified Huffaz as teaching staff and ninety (90) students enrolled into six Halaqat (classes).The students were divided into two sections: the Full-Time (Regular) which had four classes and the Part-Time (Weekend) which had two classes. A Coordinator who is also a Hafeez was employed as Head of the Programme.

Since its commencement, the Programme has maintained high standards and provided a sound moral discipline, which have combined to make the programme quite popular among the parents. The Tahfeezul Qur’an Programme has employed good and qualified teaching staff who are Memorizers of the Glorious Qur’an with a conducive environment for students to memorize the Glorious Qur’an.

While the teaching of the correct recitation and memorization of the Glorious Qur’an provide the main focus of the Tahfeezul Qur’an Programme, its curriculum involves a range of other subjects in Arabic and Islamic Studies, thereby giving additional value to the learners.


  • Students will be able to recite the Glorious Qur’an fluently.

  • Students will be able to memorize the Glorious Qur’an in sha Allah when he is in JS 3.

  • Students will be able to know the Tajweed.

  • Students will be encouraged to speak Arabic Language.


    To build a generation of Muslims with expertise in the recitation, memorization and content comprehension of the Glorious Qur’an, as well as instill in them the desire to practically apply its teachings in their regular endeavours as a pre-requisite of success in this life and the Hereafter.


    To produce Huffaz, memorizers of the Glorious Qur’an among the Muslims children who are as well professionals in all fields e.g. Engineering, Medicine,Law, etc with the hope to plant fear of Allah in their minds for a better generation.


    Tahfeez class in session


  • Department of Tahfeezul
    1. Hifz
    2. Tajweed
    3. Tilawa
  • Department of Arabic Studies
    1. Huruf
    2. Arabic
    3. Muhadatha
  • Department of Islamic studies
    1. Fiqh
    2. Hadith


    Our charges is reasonable and affordable. The Full-time programme which ran for five days a week, Saturday to Wednesday is N35,000 per term. While the weekend special programme Saturdays and Sundays is N30,000 per term.


    The Tahfeezul Qur’an use to conduct their exams in forms of Musabaqah (Competition) in order to encourage the students to be able to recite the Glorious Qur’an publicly and also motivate the students with gifts as reward for encouragement.


    The total students population is 142 students at present, separated into 10 Halaqat.


    The school is well equpied with the following facilities:

  • Well ventilated classrooms for effective teaching and learning.
  • Constant water and power supply.
  • Spacious school hall
  • Playground
  • Standard Masjid (Mosque)
  • Stand-by Generator
  • Conducive Toilets
  • Security
  • Sufficient Cleaners